lundi 20 octobre 2008

Words with Scott Mc Pherson

Hi Scott, let me know some things about your musical path...
Hi, I started playing drums when I was about 10, just bashing away in my bedroom to records. In fact playing to records is how I learned to play. I don't have any formal training. In high school I started playing in some punk bands and that's where I cut my teeth. In 1991 I joined sensefield. They were reconfiguring their old band, Reason To Believe and Jon Bunch called me and asked me over to play with them. I was just back from a trip to europe and had just enrolled in school. I was going to try to get my life together and wasn't looking to play in a band. It was a lot of fun so I joined. As far as song construction, it basically started with an idea from Rodney or Chris. From there we would all contribute and help shape the songs. We tried to be as democratic as possible. I played with them until 1998. During that time Rodney had started Whirlpool as side project. I started playing with them when the drum seat became open. That was never really anything more than a vehicle for Rodney to use the songs that didn't make it into Sense Field. When I left, I started to play all kinds of people just searching for something that would fly. In 2000, a friend of mine who was asked to play with Elliott Smith called me and asked if I would come over and try out. I did and it went well so I was in. That was probably the pinacle for me. I was finally playing songs that I truly loved. There's really nothing better than playing music that you are a big fan of. From there, I've been lucky to play with other singer songwriters and solo artists whom I respect and admire. I am currently playing with Beck, and life is beautiful.

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