Hi Gwynn, first, what's up with NRA ?
NRA is on "Sabatical", since our last show, with Bad Brains, which was also goodbye show from our drummer Tjeerd. He decided to move on, and is now emerging with COSTANZA, great band, check it out ! Us, we're really busy with our jobs (IndependentOutlet, Videostore,etc), family life, and all that. On top of that, we're in the process of realizing a recording studio. This is serious stuff, but need to be done in sparetime...It's progressing with the basics NRA always been about: D.I.Y. You WILL take notice, when done. As for the band, we want to record NEW material, in our OWN studio. NRA will come up with new stuff, but not as a the HC touring band, digesting on stuff, done 10 years ago, we were NEVER a sell-out band, touring on songs that the public likes, and be satisfied with that...although we could, like so many others...
Why did you choose the name NRA back in the days ?
To piss people off !
Which bands motivated you to form the band in the beginning ?
Really Old '80 HC, We ALL liked that, been there, and also of course the european D.I.Y. bands/principle, which meant for us; bands that put their soul in what they're doing, talkin' the talk, walkin the walk (or genius people, who don't know what they're doing, but just sound brilliant !)
What are your greatest memories with the band ?
There's loadsa; Bill Stevenson (BlackFlag/Descendents) recording our 1st album in 2 afternoons ! Share stage with the likes of DOA, Joe Strummer, IceT, and so much more great bands/people-being able to support/help upcomming bands, supportgroups, squats,etc. The whole Punk/HC scene in general; we've been touring/communicating WORLDWIDE since late '80, just look how much things changed since then ! (it's easy now, but y'know, there were those who had to break the ground... in '91 you could not believe to see a punk band on tv or magazine).

What is your favorite NRA release ?
They are all different, which makes it great ! We still can't play, but all our stuff don't sound the same ! It means we've been working. There's so much bands who play technical so much better, but sound so lame.
What punk/hardcore meant for you ?
Do It Yourself, put your heart in. The beauty is in 2 chords...depends how you play them...!
Who are the "fake bands" today ?
Put your local music station on. Of course bands will learn/capitalize on what the underground gives them, but those who think "commercial strategy" AND come up with BAD songs...
What are your views on the music world in general and the punk/hardcore scene in particular today ?
Do you still feel "out of step with the world" today ?
Oh yeah: doesn't matter ; Highschool is never far behind you, we all take our history, knowledge, social network, etc... with us as we grow... it's about to recognize that knowledge, and focus on the positive sides of growing-up, and sharing...
Do you still get in touch with the Burning Heads ?
Yeah, BH are cool. Y'know, they were out there, touring outside of France, when most french kids were only focused if people could speak their language...there was really a border, 15 years ago, not many kids spoke english, or did even understand that in holland you speak Dutch, and we took english as 2nd, france as 3rd language...That really changed !! in 10 years ! And about BH, they helped us out Big time! (sometimes Thomas comes to smoke in Amsterdam) And the Tour with HighTone, BH, NRA (2001) is also a landmark memory; great initiative, great response, great interaction from all (audiance & bands) involved !

Do you remember this show in a little club in Clermont-Ferrand (97 or 98 maybe) ?
The big fight with the Hell's Angels?!
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