dimanche 30 novembre 2008

Words with Rodney Sellars

Hi Rodney, how did you end up in the punk/hardcore scene back in the days ?

Well, punk rock was the first kind of music I ever heard that made me feel like I could be a musician. I grew up on Pink Floyd and AC/DC, their music was so "perfect" in a way. It was intimidating, like Sabbath or ELP or Zeppelin. But then I heard The Freeze and TSOL and The Adolescents, they were like a gateway drug into a bigger world !

Can you remember a bit your time in Reason To Believe ?

I had a really stinky pair of shoes. No socks, summer time, sweating, you know the deal. They were really bad ! The band made me strap them to the outside of the Ford Bronco we were touring in. One day I sat and watched the laces of the shoes dance in the highway wind for hours. That thought still stays with me to this day. I can tell you about playing with Luke Puke and the Vomits and a young girl on way too much acid, or the gay hair dresser from Richmond who was a card carrying member of the KKK, or the crazy hot straightedge fest in Florida. I guess it just depends on how much you wanna know.

Then Sense Field...Can you remember the beginning of the band ?

Chris Evenson and I always say the acoustic guitar killed Reason to Believe. The Sense Field song "Thought of Living" in particular. We liked the song but we didn't think we should do it as Reason. In retrospect, it might have made more sense to stay as Reason to Believe. I can't say that we had any organized goal at the beginning of Sense Field. We were just really into acoustic guitars and recording songs on Chris's four track. At the time I was really into writing ambitious songs with lots of parts. I guess there was not a goal so much as just pursuing our creative inspiration. John Stockberger (bass) came up with the name. He was reading a buddhist spiritual book on LSD and the word "Sense Field" started glowing on the page.

You sing many songs on "Killed For Less". Why only on this one ?

In the early days I wanted us to be a two singer band like Fugazi or The Pixies. We even had Jon Bunch playing guitar for awhile. I just never really felt right.

What is your view on the evolution of the band later on ?

Scott was my favorite drummer. It would have been cool to stick with Gavin Oglesby's artwork the whole time. I like when bands records all look similar. The sound change was fun. I think some of the stuff on Tonight and Forever turned out pretty cool. Wish I would have sang more. I didn't like our producer much.
I love Living Outside. I can just sit back and enjoy it. I didn't have to go through all the pain of making it. I think Chris and Jon wrote some amazing songs on that one.

What are your greatest memories with Sense Field ?

Water falls in Norway, Dining at the Sony building in NYC. Opening for Fugazi, Guided by Voices, Built to spill, cliff diving in Idaho in a summer rain storm. Parked on the road in New Mexico waiting for a UFO to land, Canada, Prague, Germany. Too many things to mention.

What was it like to play again  at Rev25 ?

Pretty heavy and intense ! Sometimes I go on youtube and watch old live Sense Field stuff and Reason To Believe. I still really admire and love those guys, for all the drama we had over the years, playing with them was the most intense musical experience I've ever had.

What led you to form Whirlpool ?

I was completely obsessed with the Pixies, but I couldn't understand why Black Francis didn't let Kim Deal sing more and work together. I just love girl/guy dual vocals over quirky pop about other worlds. My greatest memory of Whirlpool was rafting down a river somewhere on the east coast, the water was warm, we had one raft the only held beer. Another great memory was playing Jon Hilts house in NJ. After the show, A guy from Engine Kid was hanging out in the Rev van. He saw Rachel's body suit hanging from the rearview mirror and was like "Oh, that's just wrong, you can't have sexy girl clothes hanging off your mirror in the tour van!"

What about Overland ?

At this point, I feel like it was a missed opportunity. I like some of the stuff I did on that album, but if I had that budget to record now, I could have done a way cooler album.

What are the news with The Year Zero ?

We have another full length album completely recorded, but Lili and I are both not happy with the way it sounds. We like the songs, but the mix isn't quite right. Not sure what to do on that front.

Which band you played in do you consider the most important ?

Reason to Believe/Sense Field. I know that's actually two answers, but it was all the same guys, we just added Scott for Sense Field. It was pretty cool to evolve with your friends from hardcore to "alternative".

What are your views on straight-edge ?

As far as straight edge goes, I have the utmost admiration for people who can stick to it. I have a hard time with the substances, I just really love the feeling, but I do think you are at your best when you are mostly free of chemicals.

How do you feel in the world today ?

To be honest, a little lost but I guess quite a bit more relaxed. Back in the day, it felt like we were on a mission of the utmost importance. A lot of that thanks to Jon Bunch. Now I just feel like I'm just working and paying my bills. But I must admit, there were times when we were driving in the van, I'd see a quant little homestead off the highway and think, 'I wanna get off and live there.'. I guess I kinda did in a way.

mercredi 19 novembre 2008

Words with Sergie Loobkoff

Hi Sergie, what does Samiam mean ? Solea ?

Samiam is from a childrens story by Dr. Suess. The story is told in a sing along style where words rhyme and repeat...and the character ends phrases by saying his name this way: "sam-i-am'. As in "I do not like them,' said sam i am" for example. The story is basically about someone that is closed minded and through the course of the tale, he realizes that by not trying anything he misses out on alot the world has to offer. None of us have actually liked the name...it sort of was better than calling the band, "Jason Beebout and the Shitheads' or something.
Solea is the title of a song on Miles Davis's album, 'Sketches of Spain". It was Garrett's idea...I don't hate it...but I think it sometimes puts people off to the band. Solea, as we found out later is a style of flamenco guitar picking that is really sad....which neither of us know how to play. So, it's not an accurate description of the band in anyway. ha.

What is your favorite Samiam album ? How about Solea ?

Of course I don't really listen to these bands...but I would say that Clumsy, You Are Freaking Me Out and Astray are the best Samiam records...I might go as far as to say that they are the only ones that matter. Perhaps we could take the best songs from the other 4 albums, rerecord them better and have an additional double album...but I'm not a big fan of the first three...they are pretty sloppily written, arranged, played and recorded. The last one has some good songs but is ruined by inept recording...but I don't really want to get into that discussion.
For Solea, I think this new one is 1000 times better than anything else we did

What are your greatest memories ?

.efinately the traveling...the friendships with members of the band and various people around the world. Some great shows too...but what is a great show? and hour or 45 minutes or something ? some of the worst van breakdowns and miserable touring conditions that were horrible at the time...now I look back and feel this pride that we stuck it out as friends. It's sort of like my war stories...since I'm lucky enough never to have had to go to war.

What were your major influences when you started Samiam ?

Dinosaur Jr, Beatles, Built To Spill...Sonic Youth...Eno...a lot of bands that don't sound very similar to either band. I think that is why neither band sounds like typical "poppunk" or 'punk" or "indie rock" has an identity of it's own...because we didn't start Samiam, for example, while listening only to Minor Threat and Bad Brains or whatever...we listen to that and the Zombies and Swans...
Is there a future for Samiam ? Solea?

Samiam is planing to remix our last record actually...maybe redo some bass and vocals and guitars if necessary. I hope it works out because people were really disappointed with the sound of the record. We tried to go with this concept of making a punk sounding record and I guess it backfired. We are also talking about touring europe in the spring.
As for Solea, I'm not sure. Scott, the drummer is in Beck's band so we are sort of in limbo. I'm also not sure if Garrett is into playing loud music anymore so...
Photo : Piper Ferguson

Is there a particular meaning for the last Solea album title "Finally We Are Nowhere" ?

In all the adversity of making the record and the way it seemed a perfect title. And it's true, really. After so many years of making music and touring...neither Garrett or I are really anywhere in the music industry...which isn't something that we are particularly woeful about. We are happy to have the ability to do it...even at such a modest level.

Can you tell a bit about the Atlantic/Pacific project ?
It is an excuse to take a trip to Europe basically...because of Scott, we can't do a Solea tour...so Garrett called me up and asked me if I would do it with him and John (the other singer). My role in the project is sort of minimal...mainly because I don't sing. They are both excellent singers and guitar players and don't really need me but I guess I'm fun to have around and can sprinkle some pixie dust on the songs.
We wrote a bunch of simple acoustic-y songs and are going to play about 5 or 6 Solea songs and then Garrett and John are going to do a few solo songs...perhaps a Texas Is The Reason one or two.
It's all for fun, we don't have record...or a label...and aren't worried if 25 people show up at a show we won't be too sad...hell we are on vacation !

What are your main reasons for playing music ?

100% for fun and as a hobby...like drawing or skateboarding. I'm not particularly great at any of these things but I enjoy them and they keep me busy...which is good. Otherwise I'd probably be fat and watch a lot of tv or something.
In the past, with Samiam, there were times when the band became something like a job...and that was kind of shitty because I lost one of my hobbys kind of. And definately lost perspective on all the good things that happened...like I took alot of exciting times for granted. Now I really feel fortunate when I get to travel to japan or europe to play music. It's amazing that it's a possibility for me.

What hold you apart from the "common people" ?
I'm not sure what you mean by 'common people'...I don't feel the least bit 'un-common'.
Although, to be perfectly honest, I don't feel like I relate to 90% of humans...but I, you know, love the 10% that I do relate to and try to be tolerant of the other 90%.

What are your views (relations) about the whole hardcore / straight-edge movement ?
I have no views...and never was part of hardcore or straight-edge. I do love my Snapcase and Refused...but not much else in that whole genre. As for straight-edge...I'm not into extremists...and anyone that would be so into their non-participation of drinking or smoking that they develop a persona around it...well, I don't want to offend anyone...but it's weird. Like, "ok, you don't drink...so what? Good for you if it works for you, what business of mine is that?".

What is your vision of the world we live in ?
If I think about the world I see it's full of greed, sadness, injustice, etc... I know it is better to see the beauty of it all and rise above all the negatives...but what can I say, I'm a pessimist.

Did you feel part of the emo scene ?
I'm not really part of any scene...and I don't really know if there is a scene with emo, is there? Seems like that concept went out the window once bands like Fall Out Boy and whomever became so big. Then again, I just don't know, I don't keep up with the latest bands or anything.

What do you think of France ?
I love Lyon, I think it is the coolest city in france. I'm not into Paris in the same way I'm not into New York City...it's awesome but too much for me. I also love the countryside in France...driving from show to show is pretty breathtaking sometimes. If you tour in America, while there is awesome sights, a lot of the villages are just ugly and boring for me.
I like the way french people are honest...but sometimes you all can be heavy-handed with your unsolicited opinions. ha. Like when a french kid might walk up to me and tell me that my band is shit...and I say,"uh, ok...fair enough for you to think that...but I didn't ask you for your opinion." And the typical response is, "I'm french, I say what I feel...not like you americans that do not have the ability to express youselves." ha. ha. It's sometimes very comical the discussions I get into on tour.